Posts Tagged ‘PDSA’

Challenge Accepted

February 26, 2019

PDSA-cycleMy team has been leading sessions on Improvement Science and using a video on PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) cycles to orient workshop participants.  The problem with the intro video they had been using is that it is focused on the health care industry and not education.  My boss challenged me to create a new introduction video with an education focus.  To up the ante, my team also  requested that I include references to Culturally Responsive Education.  I accepted the challenge and with the help of two teammates-Jenny Jackson on scriptwriting and Alex Maddock as narrator-I produced a concise (3 minutes in length) new video that is getting good reviews among our team.  Here’s a look at the video:

Are you teaching about PDSA Cycles?  If so, feel free to use this video.  And I welcome your feedback and questions.